Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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English summary

Royal Hospital Chelsea

For over 300 years, there has been a retirement home in London for old and sick army members of the United Kingdom. Military retirees may spend their retirement in this institution.

General and Federal President: Theodor Körner (1873 - 1957)

Theodor Körner served in the Imperial Army until 1924 before he started a career as a politician. In 1951, he was appointed first Federal President of the Second Republic.

The Transall C-160D in the 63rd Air Transport Wing

The C-160D has been the backbone of the German air transport fleet for over 40 years. They are grouped into three air transport wings. The Airbus A400M has been determined as the successor model.

Military policy: NATO and the EU in 2012

Gender Mainstreaming in the Austrian Armed Forces

Since 1998, female soldiers have been serving in the Austrian Armed Forces. As a result, this subject matter became relevant from a military point of view. Examples from international operations show the positive consequences of Gender Mainstreaming.

Malignant Colonic Ulcers

Heritability, colonic inertia due to bad eating habits as well as a lack of physical activity lay the basis for colonic cancer to develop. Thus, preventive health care from a certain age onward is recommended.


All of society’s welfare is based on the availability of electric power. In the future even more efforts must be made to prevent a total power blackout and its disastrous short, medium, and long-term consequences or, respectively, to swiftly cope with them after their occurrence.

Commentary: Cyber War - between Reality and Paranoia

Weather as on Matchday - Environment as a determining factor in operations

In many operations the environment represents more of a challenge than the parties to the conflict. With the estimate of the Alpine situation the 6th Infantry Brigade and the Mountain Warfare Centre developed an instrument to provide a realistic and accurate picture as well as an assessment of the environment.

Psychology: Blackout and Mass Psychology

Tactical English

English is a working language in the Austrian Armed Forces. Specialist language skills are imparted in a two-week course. In so doing, the practical language use is in the centre of attention.

The 4th Mechanised HQ Battalion

The 4th Mechanised HQ Battalion is the supporting unit of the 4th Mechanised Infantry Brigade. It is spread among three locations.

NETWORK 2011 - Protection of Critical Infrastructure

From 19 to 23 September 2011 - ten years after "9/11” - the Infantry Battalion Vienna 2 "Maria Theresa” practised the protection of selected critical infrastructure in Austria’s capital Vienna.

Commentary: Where are the Soldiers?

Mission Complete - Equipment Back

From November 2009 to November 2010 the 4th Mechanised HQ Battalion conducted for the first time the complete withdrawal of a mission - i. e. MINURCAT (United Nations Mission in Central African Republic and Chad).

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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