Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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English summary

Career Soldiers in Roman Imperial Times

Daily routine was often drab and monotonous; combat was rather the exception. The duty rosters still existent allow for a glimpse at the lives of career soldiers.

"Standardization is not sexy!”

Standardizations are to facilitate the living and the working together. This holds true for military cooperations as well.

Training Facility for Breaking Doors

Forcing open entrance doors is part of the basic fundamentals of urban warfare. The newly erected facility at the Allentsteig military training area now makes respective training possible.

Military Policy: Challenges for the Austrian Armed Forces in EU and NATO

Peasant Leader Fadinger

Peasant leader Stefan Fadinger was a key figure of the Upper Austrian peasant uprising of 1626.

Cyber War and Cyber Defence - the War Has Started Already

What are the dangers linked to cyber war and cyber defence and how real is the threat emanating from them?

Military Museums: The Kaiserjäger Museum

The museum on the Bergisel in Innsbruck displays the changing history of the imperial elite force, from its establishment until its disbanding in 1918.

Psychology: Blackout - an Everyday Catastrophy

Blackout When Everything Grinds to a Halt …

A blackout is not a scenario with no way out. An unprepared society is hit hard by it. Total surprise is the breeding ground for panic and paralysis of the leaders, the service personnel and the population.

The NATO and EU Headquarters in Ulm

The German Bundeswehr is undergoing an extensive reorganisation. The location of Ulm, Germany, is expanded into a NATO and EU Headquarters.

Information Security and Espionage

Procurement, processing, evaluation and presentation of information on potential jeopardisers is the classical defensive task of intelligence services.

The Virtuous Soldier

Principles and guidelines for the development and implementation of solid profession-related ethics training in the Austrian Armed Forces.

Focus: Protection in Three Dimensions

3rd Air Defence Battalion

The 3rd Air Defence Battalion is an Air Surveillance combat formation stationed at the garrison of Wals/Salzburg.

The Air Defence Battalion Performing Object Security Operations AMADEUS 11

Within the framework of the integrated Air Defence System, some 400 troops of the 3rd Air Defence Battalion trained securing an object against aerial and ground-based threats.

Air Target Firing in Germany

For the first time Austrian Air Defence Units took part in an air target firing of the German Bundeswehr in Todendorf, Schleswig- Holstein, on the occasion of the International Army Air Defence Sym­posion (IAADS), from 27 September through 9 October 2010.

AUTCON1/UNIFIL - Operation Ongoing

On 28 November 2012 the Austrian Contingent in Lebanon took over responsibility in the area of operations and, since than, has fulfilled its mission successfully.

Commentary: Greek Defence Policy

Urban Combat - Special Squad-level Battle Drills

In order to ensure mission accomplishment in combat, additional equipment and new techniques are required for battle drill. The infantry squad plays a key role here.

Olympics 2012 and Storm Front ‘Andrea’

The heavy snowfalls and the critical avalanche situation posed enormous challenges to the Tyrolean Military Command in supporting the first Winter Youth Olympics at the beginning of January 2012.

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