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Military Representation Brussels Austria’s Military Interface to Europe and the World

The Military Representation in Brussels is essential to Austria’s military diplomacy, interconnecting Austria with Europe and the world. It re­presents Austria’s interests vis-à-vis the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Rebuild of Alpine Training

The cooperation between the German Bundeswehr and the Austrian Armed Forces in the field of Alpine training and mountain warfare training will, as of 2015, open up a new chapter in this field.

Commentary: Command Sergeant Major:

How to Motivate Subordinates?

1914 with(out) an End

With a number of events and cooperations on the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, the Austrian Black Cross Association for the Care of Memorial Sites (ÖSK) in 2014 commemorated the victims of this devastating war.

Military Policy: Strategic Challenges for the CSDP from the Military Viewpoint

Military Museum: Symbols of Croatian Military History

The Battle of Limanowa-Lapanów

The victory of the Austro-Hungarian forces, commanded by Field Marshal Roth, on 13 December 1914 over the Russian 3rd Army prevented the enemy from breaking through at Craców and advancing into Silesia and Moravia. This afforded the Austro-Hungarian forces a favourable initial situation in the breakthrough battle of Gorlice-Tarnów in May 1915.

From Military Language to Military Culture by the Example of the Czech Language

Knowledge of the Czech language and the Czech military language enhances command support and service support and also facilitates the basic understanding of Slavic languages and written texts from all Slavic-speaking countries.

Military Attaché Service in the Regional Office Stockholm

This concrete example of an attaché service is to complement the "Military Diplomacy” series, in particular from the military-strategic angle of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports.

Armed Forces Security Agency: Security Accreditation of Information and Communication Systems

Security of classified information or, respectively, information security means, amongst others, that the information processed by such systems in the Austrian Armed Forces is protected according to its classification level.


Leadership training with simulators is up-to-date, economical, and a basis for leading troops in combat. In a training series of the Theresan Military Academy two different systems are put to the test simultaneously with regard to their future use.

Psychology: Reducing Stress - Evaluation of Psychological Strains at the Workplace

"Free Sky - Free Land” Air Surveillance Wing

The Air Surveillance Wing is the active component of Austria’s airspace surveillance. It is, eventually, the elite air unit.

From Fortified Anti-Tank Battalions to Mulitnational Crisis Management - Europe’s Armed Forces on the Way to a New Security Architecture? Part 1

The series gives an overiew of Europe’s current military-strategic situation within a historical context and, subsequently, draws preliminary conclusions on necessary capabilities of future "European Armed Forces”.

Focus: Viennese Militia Units ServingVienna

Infantry Battalion Vienna 1

The Infantry Battalion Vienna 1 "Hoch- und Deutschmeister” is one of the two militia battalions headquartered in Austria’s capital Vienna. Its soldiers master the classical tasks of an infantry unit.


From 6 to 14 November 2014 the soldiers of the Infantry Battalion Vienna 1 "Hoch- und Deutschmeister” conducted an exercise in the Vienna area. The exercise objective was to protect critical infrastructure by way of a law enforcement assistance operation.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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