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Contents / Preface by the Editors

erschienen in der Publikation "The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe" (ISBN: 3-7908-1572-1) - September 2005

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Politik, Sicherheitspolitik, Rückblick, WTC 010911, Terroranschlag, Entwicklung, Sicherheitssystem


Table of Contents Introduction

Plamen I. Pantev Part 1:

Old and New Security Risks and Instability in the Balkans

Theoretic Preconditions of Fighting Terrorism: The View from South East Europe

Plamen I. Pantev State Violence, State Weakness - Explaining the Plethora of Security Risks and Instability in South East Europe

Henriette Riegler Part 2:

Civil-Military Relations, Democratic Control of the Armed Forces and Security Sector Reform During the Fight Against Terrorism

Civil-Military Relations: Continuity and Change in an Age of Terror

Richard Cohen Untying the Gordian Noose: Humanitarian Law, Democratic Control and the New Security Environment

Jean-Jacques de Dardel Part 3:

The Process of Reform of Civil-Military Relations, the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces and the Security Sector in South East Europe and the Impact of the Launch of the Counter-Terrorist Campaign: The National Perspectives

Process of Reform of Civil-Military Relations, the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Security Sector in Albania

Blendi Kajsiu Civil-Military Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bisera Turkovid Bulgaria: Completing Requirements for NATO Membership, Accelerating the Security Sector Reform and Adapting to the Counter-Terrorism Era

Plamen I. Pantev, Valeri Ratchev, Todor Tagarev The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe: The Case of Croatia

Waden Stanicid The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe: The Case of Greece

Thanos P. Dokos Regulating the Intelligence System and Oversight in the Hungarian Constitutional Democracy

Tibor Babos, Linda Royer Macedonian Reform Perspectives

Petar Atanasov Romania's Participation in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Implications for Civil-Military Relations and the Security Sector Reform

Claudiu Degeratu The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in FRY/ the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro

Dragan Simid Towards Civilian Supremacy: Civil-Military Relations in Slovenia

Marjan Malwie, Ljubica Jelusic Civil-Military Relations in Turkey

Nilufer Narli Analysis and Conclusions

Plamen I. Pantev List of Abbreviations Editors and Authors

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