Dr. Philipp H. Fluri 
Institution: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)Geburtsdatum: 1960
Beiträge als Autor:
- Annex III: Dcaf’s South East Europe Aktivities (aus der Publikation Security Sector Expert Formation)
- Annexes (aus der Publikation From Revolution to Reform)
- Conclusions II: Security Sector Expert Formation: The Challenges After 9/11 - Needs Assessment (aus der Publikation Security Sector Expert Formation)
- Contents / Preface by the Editors (aus der Publikation The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe)
- Cover, Contents and Introduction (aus der Publikation From Revolution to Reform)
- Cover, Contents and Preface (aus der Publikation Defence Institutions Building)
- Introduction (aus der Publikation Security Sector Expert Formation)
- List of Contributors (aus der Publikation After Intervention: Public Security Management in Post-Conflict Societies)
- PAP-DIB Factsheet (aus der Publikation Defence Institutions Building)
- Preface (aus der Publikation Security Sector Expert Formation)
- Preface (aus der Publikation Security Sector Governance in Southern Caucasus - Challenges and Visions)
- Strengthening the Security Sector Reform in Latin America - Elements of a European Cooperation Strategy (aus der Publikation Transatlantische Beziehungen im Wandel)
Herausgegebene Publikationen (im Rahmen des BMLVS):
- After Intervention: Public Security Management in Post-Conflict Societies (14 Beiträge)
From Intervention to Sustainable Local Ownership - Defence Institutions Building (12 Beiträge)
2005 Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building - Regional Conference - From Revolution to Reform (15 Beiträge)
Georgia's Struggle with Democratic Institution Building and Security Sector Reform - The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe (1 Beitrag)
Continuing Democratic Reform and Adapting to the Needs of Fighting Terrorism
Dr. Philipp Fluri is Deputy Director of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and designated Executive Director of DCAF Brussels.
Dr. Fluri joined the Swiss Department of Defence in 1991 as an international security expert and held positions within the General Staff and the Secretariat General for Defence Policy.
He served as a Democratization and Human Rights expert on the OSCE AG to Chechnya in 1995/6 and as the Acting Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office on the Karabakh issue in 1996.
In 1998 he was promoted Coordinator for Civil-Military Relations at the Secretariat General for Defence and Security Policy.
Dr. Fluri studied philosophy and social sciences and holds doctoral degrees from the Universities of Bern (19987) and Fribourg (1990).
He is a graduate of the East European Studies Institute at Fribourg University and the International Training Course at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy.
He performed extensive post-doctoral research in South East Asia and the US (1987-1991).
He taught as a Visiting Professor at the University of Pecs/Hungary, and is an Honorary Professor of Taras Shevchenko Pedagogical University/Ukraine.