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Cover, Contents and Preface

erschienen in der Publikation "Defence Institutions Building" (ISBN: 3-902275-19-7) - September 2005

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Philipp H. Fluri,
Deputy Director, The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces

Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building: Concept and Implementation
Ms. Susan Pond,
NATO International Staff, Head, PfP and Cooperation Programs

Opening Speeches

Mr. Kakha Sikharulidze,
First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Georgia
H.E. Ms. Nino Burjanadze,
Speaker of Parliament, Georgia
Mr. Niculin Jäger,
Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland to Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan

Keynote Address:

‘Promoting Stability and Security in the Caucasus: Supporting Reforms and Defence Institution Building’
Robert Simmons Jr.,
NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia

Section 1: The Challenge of Defence Institutions Building I - The View from the West

Parliamentary and Executive Oversight of the Defence Sphere
Mr. Simon Lunn,
Secretary General, NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Developing Democratic and Effective Defence Organisations
H.E. Dr. Willem van Eekelen,
former WEU Secretary General
Transparency and Accountability in Defence Management
Dr. Andrzej Karkoszka,
Director, Strategic Defence Review, Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Poland

Section 2: Defence Institutions Building II - The View from the Caucasus and Moldova

Armenian Perspective
(English Translation of Presentation given in Russian)
Mr. Mher Shahgeldian,
Chairman, Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and International Affairs, National Assembly, Armenia
Georgian Perspective
Mr. Vasil Sikharulidze,
Deputy Minister of Defence, Georgia
Moldovan Perspective
(English Translation of Presentation given in Russian)
Col Tudor Colesniuc,
Deputy Minister of Defence, Moldova


Original (Russian) versions
of Shahgeldian and Colesniuc speeches

PAP-DIB Factsheet

DCAF Activities in the Caucasus and Central Asia

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