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Cover, Contents and Introduction

erschienen in der Publikation "From Revolution to Reform" (ISBN: 3-902275-18-9) - Juli 2005

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Georgien, Geschichte, Rückblick, Änderung, Regime, Reform, Sicherheit, Einfluss, EU


CONTENTS Introduction Georgia After the ‘Rose Revolution’

Eden Cole & Philipp H. Fluri Acknowledgements

Part I: Security, the Authoritarian Legacy, and Democracy 1 Democracy and Security: The Legal Framework of Security Sector Governance in Georgia

Mindia Vashakmadze 2 Security Sector Governance in Georgia (I): Status

Antje Fritz 3 Security Sector Governance in Georgia (II): Achievements

Antje Fritz Part II. International Presence and Foreign Influence 4 Problems of Post-Conflict Public Security Management in Georgia

Kornely Kakachia 5 Regional and International Organisations in Georgia

Heidemaria Gürer 6 Successes and Failures of International Observer Missions in Georgia

Axel Wohlgemuth 7 Foreign Forces in Georgia: Status, Legitimacy, Prospects

Mindia Vashakmadze Part III. Civil Society, Media, Elites 8 Non Governmental Organisations, Domestic and International, and Security Sector Governance in Georgia

Duncan Hiscock 9 Power Elites in Georgia: Old and New

Zurab Chiaberashvili and Gigi Tevzadze 10 The Role of the Media in Georgia’s Transition to Democracy

Marina Kokashvili Part IV. After Revolution - Toward Reform 11 The Georgian Security Sector: Initiatives and Activities

Shorena Lortkipanidze 12 Georgia: An Emerging Governance: Problems and Prospects

Dov Lynch 13 The Military Service Appeals System in Georgia

Irakli Seshiashvili Conclusions Georgia, the Black Sea and the Approaching West

Jan Arveds Trapans List of Contributors


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