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Parallel Panel Meetings (4 Panels)

erschienen in der Publikation "Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference" (ISBN: 3-902275-17-0) - September 2005

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Panel I: "Transforming NATO and its Partnerships”

Prof. Dan Hamilton, Director, Center for Trans-Atlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Hans Binnendijk, Director and Theodore Roosevelt Chair, National Defense University, United States: "Transformation of Political-Military Aspects of NATO - What Needs to Be Done”
Col. Ralph Thiele, Director, Bundeswehr Center for Transformation, Germany: "What European NATO Allies Must Be Doing Re: Transformation”


This panel focused on both the general concepts of transformation and on the specific actions taken by NATO, the EU and the U.S. in this area. Dr. Hans Binnendijk discussed the political and diplomatic challenges facing NATO, the U.S., and the EU in the area of transformation, and how the lack of effective dialogue between these entities inhibits any synergybuilding cooperation between them. He then suggested how each of these entities should approach the transformation of their own military to capitalize on their strengths despite the political and diplomatic roadblocks previously outlined.
Col. Ralph Thiele emphasized the continuous nature of transformation, rather than considering it as a single event with a beginning and an end. He then discussed some of the specific conceptual elements of transformation, and finally outlined how the Bundeswehr was encouraging and executing transformation.

Panel II: "Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders: Responding to New Challenges in Education”

Dr. Sam Grier, Dean, NATO Defense College
Mr. Patrick Lehmann, Chair, PfP Consortium Working Group,
Curriculum Development
Ms. Lee Marvin-Zingg, Chair, PfP Consortium Working Group,
Advanced Distributed Learning
Professor Jarmo Toiskallio, Department of Education, National Defense College, Finland: "The Internationalization of Education: The Bologna Process as Trigger”
Dr. Jim Barrett, Director, Directorate of Learning Management, Canadian Defense Academy: "Integration of Civilian and Military Education”
Dr. Robert A. Wisher, Director, Advanced Distributed Learning, Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Readiness, United States: "Information Age Reform: Individual and Institutional Utility of Advanced Distributed Learning”


Highlighting the need to effectively prepare tomorrow’s leaders, the members of this panel proposed a broad vision for moving beyond the traditional framework of military education.
Professor Toiskallio conjectured that the PfP Consortium could play a leading and active role in developing military- and security-related education and training within the context of a common, international system of higher education.
Dr. Barrett highlighted the need to balance the continual tension between the practical and the theoretical in the field of defense education, particularly during a period that is ripe with potential for better integrating civilian and military education. He also posited that the future development of military education should adhere to three principles: protecting the military ethos, setting requirements based on real needs, and providing good support policies.
In closing the panel, Dr. Wisher described Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) systems as providing access to high quality education and training that is tailored to individual needs and delivered cost-effectively. The ADL vision is to provide learning content that is reusable, durable, inter-operable, affordable, and accessible anytime and anywhere.

Panel III: "Regional Co-operation as a Partnership Goal: Current Challenges to Security Sector Governance”

Moderator and Presenter:
Brigadier-General Karl A. Wohlgemuth, Senior Military
Advisor, UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
Mr. Andreas Halbach, Regional Representative, International Organization for Migration: "Responses in Migration Governance to Security Issues in the CIS and Central Asia”
Mr. Sabri Ergen, Defense Cooperation, NATO Headquarters: "NATO’s Role in Regional Cooperation: Cultivating Stability and Security”


Regional cooperation is both a significant challenge and a significant opportunity for governments as they work together as partners to address issues that do not neatly follow national borders. Moreover, many issues can be much more effectively addressed when states cooperate within a region to share information, capabilities, and lessons about how to confront pressing security challenges.
Brigadier-General Wohlgemuth provided a candid assessment of the difficulties facing the international community as they assist in the development of capacity in the nascent government of Afghanistan. While some progress has been made in the creation of the government and the conduct of elections, significant problems still exist, especially with respect to coordination and command among security forces and adjusting the power bases away from warlords and those in charge of the nation’s significant narcotics trade.
Mr. Halbach explained the essential role that regional ooperation plays in addressing the problem of migration, which is increasingly an issue with security, political, economic, trade, and diplomatic ramification. Regional cooperation, such as the CIS Conference and its Program of Action, is an example of the type of approach that can enhance success in addressing such difficult issues.
Mr. Ergen concluded the panel by explaining that NATO has and will continue to use its tools to facilitate regional cooperation, the best example of which is the southeast region cooperative group.

Panel IV: Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders: "Promises and Pitfalls of Collaborative Educational Networks"

Dr. Sam Grier, Dean of the NATO Defense College
Mr. Patrick Lehmann, Chair, PfP Consortium Working Group, Curriculum Development
Ms. Lee Margin-Zingg, Chair of the ADL Working Group
Ms. Victoria Syme-Taylor, Defense Studies Department, Joint Services Command and Staff College, Shrivenham, United Kingdom
Lt. Colonel Jean d’Andurain, PfP and Cooperation Programs, Political Affairs and Security Policy Division, NATO Headquarters
Captain Thomas Ernst, Branch Head, Cooperation Dialogue and Partner Training, Headquarters SACT
Ms. Tanja Geiss, ADL Scientific Assistant, Policy Department, NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany


The panel opened with Ms. Victoria Syme-Taylor from the Joint Services Command and Staff College in the United Kingdom, who discussed her country’s recognition of the need for joint military education that is concurrent with collaborative military education with governmental agencies, NGOs, and other institutions. This approach seeks to ensure that the military remains close to the society it serves.
The final three speakers discussed how NATO and PfP are developing and using collaborative education networks.
Lt. Colonel Jean d’Andurain spoke about the Partnership Real-Time Information Management and Exchange System (PRIME) and the vision of NATO Headquarters for using it as the backbone for the NATO/PfP Education and Training Network.
Captain Ernst gave a conceptual overview of ACT’s view of the NATO/PfP Education and Training Network.
Finally, Tanja Geiss provided insight into when such collaboration will be possible using this network, which has been developed by ACT.

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