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Part I Country Achievements and Needs

erschienen in der Publikation "Security Sector Expert Formation" (ISBN: 3-901328-86-6) - Mai 2003

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Balkan, Südosteuropa, Politik, Sicherheitspolitik, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Studie, Strategische Analyse, Strategie, Geschichte, Gegenwart, Zukunft




Experts on Security Sector Reform and institutional aspects of the security sector from all South East European countries were invited to provide assessment and additional information on a range of questions grouped under four headings:
(1) What are the priorities and the time plan for democratic oversight and reform of the security sector in your country?
(2) How has expert formation in democratic oversight and the reform of the security sector been organised until now? How are experts on the institutional aspects of the security sector trained? What opportunities were provided by governmental and non-governmental organisations on the national, regional and international levels?
(3) Do the offered possibilities square with the priorities?
(4) What would need to be done by governemntal and nongovernmental organisations on the national, regional and international levels to provide the necessary expert knowledge to
implement priorities and time plans in democratic oversight and
security sector reform in your country?
Authors were further asked to list expert formation opportunities they had knowledge of and to provide insights into how such programmes were viewed in the national context.

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