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Die Slowakische Militärseelsorge

erschienen in der Publikation "Ethica 2012" (ISBN: 978-3-902761-16-3) - 28. September 2012

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Slowakei, Militaerseelsorge, Militärdienst, Militärethik, Wehrpflicht, Wehrsystem, Kirche, Religion, Theologie


In 2003, a Slovak Military Diocese was established, on the basis of an international treaty between the Republic of Slovakia and the Holy See, which is responsible for the police and prisons as well. The chaplains are employed as commissioned officers of the respective service, i.e. the armed forces, the police corps or the prison service and, therefore, also have to fulfil the requirements of the respective job. The Military Ordinariate has a total of 60 posts. Every work day the chaplain celebrates the holy mass in the barracks. Since only soldiers, who are on duty, are to be found in the barracks on Sundays, the priests celebrate church services in parochial churches of the respective town. There is a lay organisation of Catholics in the Military diocese, to which several hundred soldiers, police officers and prison officials are attached.

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