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The Role of the Media in the Regional Co-Operation

erschienen in der Publikation "The Stability Pact for South East Europe - Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation" (ISBN: 3-901328-75-0) - November 2002

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Europa, Stabilität, Balkan, Südosteuropa, Interdependenz, Medien


The Role of the media in the Regional Co-operation in SEE is one of the crucial aspects of the Stability Pact for South East Europe, especially in the Democratisation and Human Rights Task Force. Without democratic institutions that work effectively and the democratic development of a state under the rule of law there can be no long-term economic development and prosperity. Equally, democratisation and non-discrimination are also fundamental preconditions for guaranteeing internal and external security. Democracy and Human Rights: Deep-rooted democratic habits and a vibrant civil society constitute the foundation upon which the achievement of the objectives of the Pact can be built.

Since June 2001, Regional Table, Working Table I, focuses on four priority areas: inter-ethnic dialogue and cross-border co-operation, refugee matters, the media, and education and youth. The Media Task Force - a collaborative effort of donors, NGOs and recipient countries - adopted the Charter for Media Freedom and a Strategy for Media Assistance. It also set up National Working Groups in seven SEE countries, which are comprised of media professionals, members of civil society, and representatives of state authorities. Areas of support cover legislation, training, public broadcasting and networks of private outlets or associations.

Certainly, to this moment, many good projects were founded under the umbrella of the Stability Pact. The best project, the best meeting about the role of the Media in the Regional Co-operation in the frame created by the Stability Pact in last year, was the First University of Communications of Southeast Europe organised by the Media plan institute in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the 18th to the 20th of October 2001.

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