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Drago Pilsel

Geburtsdatum: 1962

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours (aus der Publikation Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours)
  2. From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Northern Kosovo: Coping with the Remaining Impasses in the Western Balkans (aus der Publikation From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Northern Kosovo: Coping with the Remaining Impasses in the Western Balkans)
  3. The Croatian Case - The Big Discrepancy between Theory and Practice (aus der Publikation Bosnia-Herzegovina and Beyond - The Role of Civil Society in Supporting Democratization and Euro-Atlantic Integration in South East Europe)
  4. The International Role in the Reconciliation Process - A View from Croatia (aus der Publikation From Peace Making to Self Sustaining Peace - International Presence in South East Europe at a Crossroads)
  5. The Role of Journalism in the Prevention of Conflicts and in the Sustention of Multiethnic, Multicultural and Multireligious Society (aus der Publikation Multiethnic State or Ethnic Homogeneity: The Case of South East Europe)
  6. The Role of the Media in the Regional Co-Operation (aus der Publikation The Stability Pact for South East Europe - Dawn of an Era of Regional Co-operation)
  7. Two Topics: The Role of the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije Perić, and the Interreligious Council of Bosnia and Hercegovina – From a Great and Promising Start to Important Achievements to Stagnation (aus der Publikation Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours)


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Journalist and political and religious columnist in "Novi list", a Croatian daily.
Balkan correspondent of COPE, a Spanish radio net;
Correspondent of "Vida nueva", a Catholic weekly from Madrid
Correspondent of "NTV Studio 99", an independent Radio and TV based in Sarajevo.

Member of the Croatian P.E.N. Center,
the Council for Religious Freedom in Croatia,
the European Movement in Zagreb and
the Center for Peace Studies in Zagreb.

Vice-president of The Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human rights.

Vice-president of the Croatian Journalists Association.

The Higher School of Vocational Training, Zagreb

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