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Bosnia-Herzegovina and Beyond - The Role of Civil Society in Supporting Democratization and Euro-Atlantic Integration in South East Europe

Bosnia-Herzegovina and Beyond - The Role of Civil Society in Supporting Democratization and Euro-Atlantic Integration in South East Europe - 29th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe"

29th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe"

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Beyond - The Role of Civil Society in Supporting Democratization and Euro-Atlantic Integration in South East Europe 133 Seiten / 1.14 MB PDF ansehen
133 Seiten (1.14 MB) PDF downloaden
133 Seiten (1.14 MB)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pinning Hopes on Civil Society  
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Big Politicians and Thwarted Civil Society  
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The Role of CSOs in Albania in Democratization and the EU Integration Process: From Marginal Actors to Active Partners in the Process?  
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A vital Civil Society usually is seen as an important attribute of developed democratic states. In South East Europe, intellectuals and international stakeholders have pinned their hopes on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as driving factors for positive societal and political changes and beneficial correctives to the return of authoritarian practices. CSOs, however, have proven not resolute enough due to a widely spread social and economic pessimism, which has characterized South East European societies. The demonstrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the spring of 2014, which were caused by the tremendous social and political frustration of the citizens, have given hope for some positive political changes in this country as well as in the neighbourhood.

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