Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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Dr. Matthew Rhodes

Institution: George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. A Crisis of Democracy in Southeast Europe (aus der Publikation Approaching or Avoiding Cooperative Security? - The Western Balkans in the Aftermath of the Kosovo Settlement Proposal and the Riga Summit)
  2. Croatian Membership in the European Union - Implications for the Western Balkans (aus der Publikation Croatian Membership in the European Union - Implications for the Western Balkans)
  3. Kosovo: America’s “NATO State” in the Balkans? (aus der Publikation Cutting or Tightening the Gordian Knot?)
  4. National Strategy and Security Sector Reform in Southeast Europe (aus der Publikation Security Sector Reform in South East Europe - from a Necessary Remedy to a Global Concept)
  5. NATO and Southeast Europe (aus der Publikation The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe - From Democratic Consolidation to Security)
  6. The Trump Administration and the Balkans (aus der Publikation South East Europe: Facing Western Upheavals and Regional Backslide)
  7. The U.S. Role in Southeast Europe: In and after the Peace Plans (aus der Publikation International Peace Plans for the Balkans - A Success?)
  8. The United States and Civil Society in South East Europe (aus der Publikation Bosnia-Herzegovina and Beyond - The Role of Civil Society in Supporting Democratization and Euro-Atlantic Integration in South East Europe)
  9. The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe – From Democratic Consolidation to Security (aus der Publikation The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe - From Democratic Consolidation to Security)

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