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South East Europe: Facing Western Upheavals and Regional Backslide

South East Europe: Facing Western Upheavals and Regional Backslide - 34th and 35th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe” - Joint Edition

34th and 35th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe” - Joint Edition

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
South East Europe: Facing Western Upheavals and Regional Backslide - with Supplementary Reflections on Rule of Law Issues 179 Seiten / 1.93 MB PDF ansehen
179 Seiten (1.93 MB) PDF downloaden
179 Seiten (1.93 MB)
Keynote Speech  
The Western Balkans’ EU-Perspective in an Era of New Challenges and New Uncertainties - External Game Changers of an Agonizing Accession Process  
The Trump Administration and the Balkans  
Democratic Processes and Regional Relations: (De)Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia  
Democratic Processes and Regional Relations: Montenegro in the Context of its Euro-Atlantic Integration and the Current State of International Relations  
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue  
Albania’s Changing Relation with the Internationals: New Directions or a Reactionary Move?  
Democratic Backsliding in Serbia - (In)Stability and Public Perceptions  
Western Balkan Economic Trends and Challenges  
Rule of Law in the Western Balkans: Some Reflections on Higher Legal Education  
The Role of USKOK in Strengthening the Rule of Law in Croatia  


Recent international upheavals have led to the decline of bilateral, regional and intra-state relations in the Western Balkans, as well as to the re-strengthening of nationalistic attitudes in the region. These developments have posed major challenges to liberal democracy and democratic processes. In addition, the analyses of the 34th RSSEE Workshop address the economic transition and show opportunities for and obstacles to the region’s security development.

Since the 1990s, national and international initiatives to strengthen the rule of law in the region have achieved mixed progress. Two selected papers of the 35th RSSEE Workshop focus on the role of higher legal education in strengthening the rule of law and present, as an example, the successful initiative of The Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime in Croatia.

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