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Michael G. Schmunk

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. 15 Years of Peace-Building in the Western Balkans - Lessons Learnt and Current Challenges (aus der Publikation 15 Years of Peace-Building in the Western Balkans - Lessons Learnt and Current Challenges)
  2. A “Zeitenwende” also in and for the Western Balkans? Geopolitical Effects of Russia’s War against Ukraine: Europe Whole and Free (aus der Publikation The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe - From Democratic Consolidation to Security)
  3. Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours (aus der Publikation Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours)
  4. Epilogue (aus der Publikation Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine)
  5. Erfolg oder Misserfolg von internationalen Interventionen, Innovative Messmethoden und Fallstudien - GESAMTES BUCH (aus der Publikation Erfolg oder Misserfolg von internationalen Interventionen)
  6. EU Enlargement: Rising like a Phoenix from the Ashes? What is to be expected from the 2019 EU Institutions’ new leaders and the power shifts in the EP and in EU national parliaments for the Western Balkans European perspective? (aus der Publikation Croatia’s EU Presidency 2020 - A Catalyst for South East Europe?)
  7. Fallstudie zum Basis-Szenario 2: Die NATO-Luftoperation in Serbien/Kosovo 1999 (aus der Publikation Erfolg oder Misserfolg von internationalen Interventionen)
  8. Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) - Deus ex Machina der internationalen Nation-Builder? (aus der Publikation Zivil-Militärische Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel Afghanistan. Civil-Military Interaction - Challenges and Chances)
  9. Socio-Political Processes and the Security Sector: The Role and Situation of Civil-Society in the Western Balkans (aus der Publikation Regional Security Cooperation in South East Europe in the Aftermath of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession)
  10. The Neglected Role of Economic Reconstruction in Post-Conflict Societies and Failed States: Strategies, Actors and Instruments (aus der Publikation Economic Impacts of Crisis Response Operations)
  11. The Solution of Frozen Territorial Conflicts — One Size Does Not Fit All! History Tells Us What Might Work and What Not. (aus der Publikation Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus)
  12. The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe – From Democratic Consolidation to Security (aus der Publikation The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe - From Democratic Consolidation to Security)
  13. The West and “Stabilitocracy”: Did the EU and the U.S. Shelve Enlargement by Trying to Cast Out the Devil by the Beelzebub? (aus der Publikation Overcoming Stabilitocracy in South East Europe)
  14. The Western Balkans’ EU-Perspective in an Era of New Challenges and New Uncertainties - External Game Changers of an Agonizing Accession Process (aus der Publikation South East Europe: Facing Western Upheavals and Regional Backslide)
  15. Too Much Ethnic Diversity, Too Little National Unity? Ethno-Nationalism, Not the ‘Civic State’ as the Raison d’État in BiH? The Bosnian Dysfunctionality Conundrum (aus der Publikation Democratic Transition and Multi-Ethnicity: Opportunities and Challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Its Southeast European Neighbours)
  16. What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War? Consequences for Conflict Settlement in the South Caucasus Region (aus der Publikation What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War?)


Ambassador Michael G. Schmunk (rtd.) was a German career diplomat. He was German ambassador to Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Slovak Republic. He also served as Ambassador at Large and special envoy for Afghanistan, being responsible for the "Bonn Process” and the development and establishment of the German Provincial Reconstruction Teams. From 2004 to 2005, he was a senior research fellow/visiting diplomat in residence at the Berlin-based German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik). From 2005 to 2006, he worked as a senior fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. He also served as Deputy Chief of Mission to the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE in Vienna as well as Visiting Diplomat in Residence and Guest Researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg.

His practical experience and research include peace-, state- and nation-building in post-conflict societies; civil-military cooperation in the fields of stabilization and reconstruction; states-at-risk, weak and failed states; Western Balkans; South Caucasus; Afghanistan; South Africa.

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