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Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus

Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus - 20th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

20th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus 209 Seiten / 1.50 MB PDF ansehen
209 Seiten (1.50 MB) PDF downloaden
209 Seiten (1.50 MB)
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"Out of the box thinking” was on the agenda of the 20th Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group (RSSC SG) workshop. After several workshops dealing with geopolitical issues, and a stock-taking workshop in 2018, the co-chairs re-directed attention to the need for practical, ground-based initiatives to foster greater stability at the grass-roots and community levels.

Speakers from the region were required to concentrate on what outcomes and conditions could break the current deadlocks in moving towards peace and regional stability. Although deadlocks in South Caucasus conflict resolution were hardly broken, fresh consensus emerged among participants inter alia on: commonly held interests being defined and leveraged as confidence building to facilitate rapprochement and eventually lead to conflict resolution; administrative and identity issues being maintained cleanly separated; and the need to fully de-politicize issues addressed by peacebuilding initiatives.

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