Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

Bundesheer auf Twitter

Ahmad Alili

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security (aus der Publikation After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security)
  2. Challenges for Azerbaijan to Accept Nagorno-Karabakh’s Individual Diplomatic and Military Force from Defence Institution Building Perspective (aus der Publikation Harnessing Regional Stability in the South Caucasus - The Role and Prospects of Defence Institution Building in the Current Strategic Context)
  3. Foreign Actors Shaping the Informational Environment for the Conflicts in the South Caucasus: A Retrospective Analysis (aus der Publikation Between Fact and Fakery)
  4. Foreign Policy and Security Challenges for Azerbaijan in a Post-Oil Boom Era (aus der Publikation South Caucasus: Leveraging Political Change in a Context of Strategic Volatility)
  5. From a Dead End to another Dead End in the Negotiations Process: What to Change to Achieve Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh (aus der Publikation Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus)
  6. In the Aftermath of 2020, Azerbaijan between Russia and the West: A Choice of Politics, Economy, Culture or Security? (aus der Publikation Peace Building through Economic and Infrastructure Integration in the South Caucasus)
  7. Media Ownership and Conflict Narratives in the Caucasus: Case Study of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict (aus der Publikation The Media Is the Message - Shaping Compromise in the South Caucasus)
  8. Shusha Declaration: Regional Perspectives for Azerbaijani-Turkish Alliance (aus der Publikation Stability Risks and New Conflict Management Platforms in the South Caucasus)
  9. The "Other Third Powers” in the South Caucasus Geopolitical Landscape (Speaking Notes) (aus der Publikation Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine)
  10. The Emerging Geopolitics of the South Caucasus in the Aftermath of the August–September 2022 Escalations (aus der Publikation After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security)
  11. The Review of the Tripartite Statement Implementation Status Signed by Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian Leaders (aus der Publikation Stability Risks and New Conflict Management Platforms in the South Caucasus)
  12. Trends in EU-South Caucasus Relations in the Context of a "New European Security Deal” (aus der Publikation What a ‘New European Security Deal’ Could Mean for the South Caucasus)

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