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Between Fact and Fakery

Between Fact and Fakery - 16th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

16th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Between Fact and Fakery - Information and Instability in the South Caucasus and Beyond 240 Seiten / 1.21 MB PDF ansehen
240 Seiten (1.21 MB) PDF downloaden
240 Seiten (1.21 MB)
Key Note Address: The Teething Problems of a Multipolar or ‘Polycentric’ World Order: Views from Russian and US Think Tanks  
Impact of Fakery on a Democratizing Media  
Speaking Notes: We Will Return to the Price of Our Word!  
Narrative Shaping in Strategic Communication  
Speaking Notes: Fake News and Democracy  
How the Public Can Be Led to War  
The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perceptions: The Case of Armenia  
Fake News as a Threat to Peace Talks in the South Caucasus  
Between Fact and Fakery  
Speaking Notes: How Fakery Acts to Destabilize Regimes and Regions  
Foreign Actors Shaping the Informational Environment for the Conflicts in the South Caucasus: A Retrospective Analysis  
How Fakery Acts to Destabilize Regimes and Regions: An Armenian Perspective  
Fake News: Can There Be a Positive Side?  
Should We Use Yesterday’s Lies for Tomorrow’s Peace?  
Transforming Western (Mis)Perceptions of Abkhazia: Prospects for Peacebuilding  
Turning Information Warfare into Information Peacefare: Challenges and Opportunities for Change in the South Caucasus  
Weaponized Information and Narratives on the South Caucasus Landscapes of Narratives  
Policy Recommendations  


Fake news is a theme of extreme urgency but not a new phenomenon. The information revolution allowed this practice of misinformation to gain extremely far-ranging consequences for political regimes, society and the media itself - and this is the novelty.

The 16th RSSC SG publication examines the impact of false reporting on the development of a free media environment in the South Caucasus, on the stability of regional regimes and on the competition for power and influence by large players in the region. Within this framework, this publication amongst others discusses whether false reporting could ever be justified, even for positive motives, and how information warfare could be turned into information peacefare.

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