Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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MA, PhD Elkhan Nuriyev

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. From Information Warfare to Information Peacefare: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects (aus der Publikation Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape: A Handbook)
  2. Future Energy Security in the Black Sea-Caspian Region: Towards Establishing an Energy Policy Management Institution in the Post-Conflict Situation (aus der Publikation Building an Energy Policy Management Institution for the South Caucasus)
  3. Re-energizing the Peace Process in the South Caucasus (aus der Publikation South Caucasus: Leveraging Political Change in a Context of Strategic Volatility)
  4. Resolving Deadlocks in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: What Role for Peace Support Structures? (aus der Publikation Concrete Steps to Break the Deadlocks in the South Caucasus)
  5. Russia, the EU and the South Caucasus: Towards a More Efficient Over-arching Cooperative Regional Security Framework (aus der Publikation Towards Europe?! - Straddling Fault Lines and Choosing Sides in the South Caucasus)
  6. Russia-West Confrontation and the Future of European Security: Global Trends and Regional Consequences (aus der Publikation What a ‘New European Security Deal’ Could Mean for the South Caucasus)
  7. The Other Side of Peacemaking: Russian Realpolitik and the Economic Dimension of Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus (aus der Publikation The Media Is the Message - Shaping Compromise in the South Caucasus)
  8. The Southern Caucasus: in Quest of a New Vision for a cooperative Security Strategy (aus der Publikation Security Sector Governance in Southern Caucasus - Challenges and Visions)
  9. Turning Information Warfare into Information Peacefare: Challenges and Opportunities for Change in the South Caucasus (aus der Publikation Between Fact and Fakery)
  10. What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War? Consequences for Conflict Settlement in the South Caucasus Region (aus der Publikation What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War?)

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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