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What a ‘New European Security Deal’ Could Mean for the South Caucasus

What a ‘New European Security Deal’ Could Mean for the South Caucasus - 17th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group Regional Stability in the South Caucasus

17th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group Regional Stability in the South Caucasus

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
What a ‘New European Security Deal’ Could Mean for the South Caucasus 246 Seiten / 1.84 MB PDF ansehen
246 Seiten (1.84 MB) PDF downloaden
246 Seiten (1.84 MB)
Key Note Address: A new Cold War or a Road Map for Comprehensive and Collective European Security  
NATO and CSTO in the Caucasus: Evolving Collision and Potential Engagement  
The Evolution of the Security Environment in the South Caucasus since the End of the Cold War  
Strategic Communication under Rising International Tension: Challenges and Opportunities for the EU and Russia Security  
Speaking Notes: Assessments and Diagnoses on Security and Regional Stability in Georgia  
Moving beyond the Stalemate: The OSCE as a Stimulus for Inclusive and Cooperative European Security  
Changing Characteristics of European Security Order and Possibilities for Enhancing Predictability in the South Caucasus  
The Foreign Policy Option of Western Countries Regarding de facto States in post-Soviet Space  
Predictability in the International and European Areas: Options for the South Caucasus  
The New World Dis-Order. A Long Way Back from the End of History  
Trends in EU-South Caucasus Relations in the Context of a "New European Security Deal”  
Russia-West Confrontation and the Future of European Security: Global Trends and Regional Consequences  
Russia and the EU: from Imbalance to a New Equilibrium in the South Caucasus  
Policy Recommendations  

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