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Building an Energy Policy Management Institution for the South Caucasus

Building an Energy Policy Management Institution for the South Caucasus - 14th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

14th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Building an Energy Policy Management Institution for the South Caucasus 117 Seiten / 884 KB PDF ansehen
117 Seiten (884 KB) PDF downloaden
117 Seiten (884 KB)
Future Energy Security in the Black Sea-Caspian Region: Towards Establishing an Energy Policy Management Institution in the Post-Conflict Situation  
The Importance of Not Reinventing the Wheel: Speaking Notes to the 14th RSSC Study Group  
The Sinews of Peace: Common Funding for Multinational Organizations  
All Hazards Emergency Management Policy-Making and Capability Generation  
Report of Discussions on the Planning of an Energy Security Management Institution for the South Caucasus  
"Turning up the Heat” - Climate Change in the South Caucasus: Security Challenges and Solutions  


Energy security is a vital component for general security and economic development. The 14th RSSC SG publication focuses on an institutional approach to the issue and examines questions such as the following: Which institutions could be set up to improve energy supply? How can countries in the region best work together for energy security and economic development? What specific projects could be implemented?

A special emphasis was on the design of energy networks and institutions in the region, covering everything from the structure, to legal frameworks and funding. The Energy Charter Treaty is an important basis for these ideas and discussed in some detail. The publication also comprises a special contribution on the challenges of climate change.

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