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Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape: A Handbook

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Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape: A Handbook 302 Seiten / 3.68 MB PDF ansehen
302 Seiten (3.68 MB) PDF downloaden
302 Seiten (3.68 MB)
Media Literacy: A Practitioner’s Outlook  
Media Literacy in an Interconnected World  
Role of Labels and Descriptions in the Politicised Communication of Theories and Concepts  
I Like you to Death: Social Media and Radicalization  
Consciousness Hijacking: In Search of False News’ Ideal Recipe  
Digital Public Diplomacy and Propaganda: A Catch-22?  
Manipulative Functions of Political Internet Memes  
Government and Commercial Responses to the Malign Use of Social Media  
The War on Disinformation: The Structure of Trust  
Countering Information Irresponsibility  
From Information Warfare to Information Peacefare: Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects  
The Role of Strategic Communication in Countering Disinformation: The Cases of Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia  
Social Media Replacing Media: Disinformation and the Law  
Case Study: Transnistria and Nagorno-Karabakh  
Cyber Antidote: The Spread of Chinese Social Media at the Height of the Global Internet Regulations Modeling  
Strategic Communication and Influence on Serbian National Security  
Discursive Strategies as a Campaigning Instrument for the Far-Right  


The socio-political and scientific advancement of democracy depends upon the search for truth, by way of the measured use of our critical faculties for thinking and debating. As a result, it is those very democratic principles and scientific advancements that also provide us with freedom of expression and freedom of the media, taken in the absolute. In times of ever changing “truths”, our societies have become unsure of the information on which they rely to make informed and factbased socio-political decisions.

This book describes and analyses the content of the current information landscape, explains how information content shapes our perception, and provides case studies and remedies to prevent the confusion of fact and fakery.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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