Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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Benyamin Poghosyan

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security (aus der Publikation After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security)
  2. Changes in Global and Regional Order: Implications for the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (aus der Publikation South Caucasus: Leveraging Political Change in a Context of Strategic Volatility)
  3. Defence Institution Building as a Tool for Supporting Balance between Russia and the West and Fostering Regional Stability - the Case of Armenia (aus der Publikation Harnessing Regional Stability in the South Caucasus - The Role and Prospects of Defence Institution Building in the Current Strategic Context)
  4. Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance (aus der Publikation Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance)
  5. Energy Security: An Armenian Perspective (aus der Publikation The Geopolitics of Energy in the South Caucasus: Towards a Regional Energy Community)
  6. External Actors in the South Caucasus: Perspectives on the Karabakh Conflict Settlement and the Role of Russia (aus der Publikation Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine)
  7. Perspectives of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Settlement Process after the September 2022 Azerbaijani Attack against Armenia (aus der Publikation After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security)
  8. South Caucasus in the Era of Great Power Competition and Geopolitical Divisions: View from Armenia (aus der Publikation Peace Building through Economic and Infrastructure Integration in the South Caucasus)
  9. The Future of Armenia-Azerbaijan Relations after the Military Takeover of Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan (aus der Publikation New Security Arrangements for the South Caucasus?)
  10. The Geopolitical Choices of Armenia amidst the Transformation of the Post-Cold War Global Order (aus der Publikation Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance)
  11. The Media in Armenia (aus der Publikation The Media Is the Message - Shaping Compromise in the South Caucasus)
  12. The Regional Security Dynamics of the South Caucasus after the 2020 Karabakh War: View from Armenia (aus der Publikation Stability Risks and New Conflict Management Platforms in the South Caucasus)
  13. The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perceptions: The Case of Armenia (aus der Publikation Between Fact and Fakery)
  14. What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War? Consequences for Conflict Settlement in the South Caucasus Region (aus der Publikation What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the Wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War?)

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