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Stability Risks and New Conflict Management Platforms in the South Caucasus

Compendium of the 21st and 22nd “Regional Stability in the South Caucasus” Study Group Workshops

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

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Stability Risks and New Conflict Management Platforms in the South Caucasus 237 Seiten / 2.08 MB PDF ansehen
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237 Seiten (2.08 MB)
Writing on Karabakh and the South Caucasus  
China’s Economic Outreach in the South Caucasus  
Shusha Declaration: Regional Perspectives for Azerbaijani-Turkish Alliance  
The Regional Security Dynamics of the South Caucasus after the 2020 Karabakh War: View from Armenia  
Great Power Competition and New Regional Order in the South Caucasus  
South Caucasus: What Next?  
Risks and Opportunities for Building a Durable Peace for the South Caucasus Regional Order in the Post 2020 War Era  
Iran’s and China’s “Passive Realism” towards the Recent Developments in the South Caucasus  
Shared and Conflicting Interests in the South Caucasus: Russia, Turkey and the EU  
“War or Peace in the South Caucasus?”  
Rescinding a Transportation Blockade: Power Competition and Perspectives for Armenia  
Perspectives on Conflict Resolution in the South Caucasus after the 44-day War  
Possible Steps Towards Armenian-Azerbaijani Peaceful Coexistence  
Comments on the South Caucasus Workshop  
Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan is Possible: Do not Revive the Past  
Prerequisite Instability: External Power Penetration in the Caucasus as a Prelude to New Regional Order  
The Review of the Tripartite Statement Implementation Status Signed by Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian Leaders  
Redefining Armenia’s Foreign Policy One Year after the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War  
Towards the Need for a New Model of Regional Cooperation in the South Caucasus  


Peace in the South Caucasus remains precarious, but the security situation has started to improve. The region remains highly geopolitically fragmented as regional states pursue different foreign policies and have developed divergent security threat assessments. The regional balance of power is shared by Russia and Turkey, with US, EU, and few Middle Eastern actors interested to restore or increase their regional influence. The latest higher level engagements of Armenia and Azerbaijan have sent encouraging signals for the future of peace, while Georgia’s Peaceful Neighborhood Initiative needs to be developed and implemented. Although the latest RSSC SG workshops have generated actionable Policy Recommendations in support of conflict management and peace building, many questions remain as to how to move forward constructively.

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