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Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance

25th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group “Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

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Discussing a South Caucasus Short of Russian Dominance 167 Seiten / 1.52 MB PDF ansehen
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167 Seiten (1.52 MB)
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How the Ukraine War Has Become a Milestone for Azerbaijan-Russia Relations?  
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Tomorrow’s Geography in the Black Sea Region  
How the Russia-Ukraine War Changed the Prospects of Georgia and the South Caucasus Region  
Harsh Realities and Effectual Truths: Karabakh and the Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Process  
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In light of the Russian war against Ukraine, the authors noted the shifting balance of power in the South Caucasus and its potential impact on regional stability. This geopolitical trend has further evolved thereby growing the risk of regional turmoil. Besides war in Ukraine, the shifting balance of power in the Middle East, and a Russia-Turkey regional partnership might be key drivers of change. A geopolitical chess game is plaid out. Russia is struggling to hold on a “game-maker” role, whereas the US and regional powers are challenging its dwindling dominance.

Ultimately, the South Caucasus might end up either split along geopolitical axes or as the exclusive fiefdom of regional powers.

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