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Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine

Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine - 19th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

19th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Geopolitical Challenges of European Security in the South Caucasus and Ukraine 185 Seiten / 1.34 MB PDF ansehen
185 Seiten (1.34 MB) PDF downloaden
185 Seiten (1.34 MB)
Keynote Address - The End of the Post-Modern Dream: Europe and Germany’s Return to Realpolitik?  
The "Other Third Powers” in the South Caucasus Geopolitical Landscape (Speaking Notes)  
How Can the Frozen Conflict in Ukraine further Impact Europe?  
External Actors in the South Caucasus: Perspectives on the Karabakh Conflict Settlement and the Role of Russia  
The Role of China in the Frozen Conflict Mediation of the South Caucasus  
The Effectiveness of the Actions of International Organizations in Regulating Conflicts in the South Caucasus and Georgia (Speaking Notes)  
Armenia’s Delicate Balancing Act and Responding to Outside Pressure  
The March towards Freedom - Where Does it Leave Abkhazia?  
The Way Ahead for Geopolitical Competition in the South Caucasus: The View from Armenia  
The Prospects of Resolving the Donbas Conflict. Thinking out of the Box  
The Way Ahead for Geopolitical Competition in the South Caucasus and Ukraine: The View from France  
Ukraine: Geopolitical View of the Interested International Actors  
The Way Ahead  


The PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus” held its 19th workshop at the offices of the Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute (DOC/RI) in Berlin, 11-14 April 2019. It gathered academic representatives of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, and people from the territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as several international experts. The aim of the workshop was to discover similarities between geopolitical conflicts in the South Caucasus and in Ukraine, and to see if common solutions could be applied to stabilize the situations or resolve the disputes altogether. The Study Group concluded that European security structures and rules needed renewal, that regional economic cooperation needed to be stimulated, that the development of common interpretations of history could help reduce tensions, and that inclusiveness of local and geopolitical actors (of Russia in particular) was a sine qua non condition of effective regional stabilization, and it was essential in coming up with pragmatic solutions to the intractable discussions on status, borders, refugees/IDPs and compensation and restitution issues. This Study Group Information publication, as a compilation of all written contributions of the speakers, therefore, provides a broad view of the expert dialogue at this workshop and of the conclusions that were reached on that occasion.

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