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After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security

24th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in the South Caucasus”

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After 24 February 2022: Imagining South Caucasus Security 135 Seiten / 1.27 MB PDF ansehen
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135 Seiten (1.27 MB)
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The war in Ukraine is a function of the geopolitical standoff opposing Russia and the West. As such, it has worsened the geopolitical context within the South Caucasus region. At strategic level, Russia is struggling to hold on its “game maker” role while the US and the regional powers are challenging its dwindling regional dominance.

Building a new regional order in Eastern Europe is inevitable. What role should Russia play in it? Whether it was included or not, peace in the South Caucasus will continue to be shaped by its long-term strategic interests and threat perceptions. This is the inescapable geopolitical logic of the South Caucasian states who should either deal with Russia wisely or have their continued survival at risk.

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