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Croatia’s EU Presidency 2020 - A Catalyst for South East Europe?

Croatia’s EU Presidency 2020 - A Catalyst for South East Europe? - 39th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group Regional Stability in South East Europe

39th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group Regional Stability in South East Europe

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Croatia’s EU Presidency 2020 - A Catalyst for South East Europe? 107 Seiten / 1.08 MB PDF ansehen
107 Seiten (1.08 MB) PDF downloaden
107 Seiten (1.08 MB)
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In the first half of 2020, the youngest EU member state, Croatia, holds ist first Presidency of the EU Council. This important political role means great responsibility for pushing EU’s priorities ahead but could be also a Chance to promote the interests of the Western Balkan candidate countries in the EU enlargement process. Both the intra-regional relations in the Western Balkans, but also the EU enlargement process as the main tool for supporting consolidation in this region, have passed through veritable crisis situations.

Against this background, the covered topics in this Study Group Information include the lessons that can be drawn from previous EU Presidencies, relevant developments inside the EU and their consequences for EU’s policies toward the Western Balkans, an analysis of the chances and obstacles for regional cooperation in the context of EU’s enlargement policies and reflections on democratization processes and intra-state reforms in the southeast European candidate and potential candidate countries.

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