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The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe - From Democratic Consolidation to Security

44th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe – From Democratic Consolidation to Security 140 Seiten / 1.44 MB PDF ansehen
140 Seiten (1.44 MB) PDF downloaden
140 Seiten (1.44 MB)
Unity versus Division in South East Europe on Global Conflict Issues  
The Challenges of Building Resilience: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina  
Resilience of Kosovo to the War in Ukraine  
Resilience of Individual South East European States to the Global Crises: The Case Study of Serbia  
Building Resilience in the Region through the EU Integration Process  
Montenegro Stands in Solidarity with Ukraine, but Struggles with Its Own Instability  
A “Zeitenwende” also in and for the Western Balkans? Geopolitical Effects of Russia’s War against Ukraine: Europe Whole and Free  
Back on Track? The Impact of War in Ukraine on EU Integration of the Western Balkans  
NATO and Southeast Europe  
The Role of the OSCE in Strengthening Resilience in Southeast Europe  


Russia’s war against Ukraine has dramatically changed the geopolitical constellation in Europe. Those states that have not fully come to terms with their own war legacy, as in the Western Balkans, appear to be particularly affected by the geopolitical fault lines and challenged in their resilience.

The interesting contributions in this volume address the effects of the geopolitical turning point on the current democratic, economic and security policy development in the still fragile Western Balkans in the context of the ongoing conflict transformation and its EU integration efforts from the authors’ regional perspective.

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