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Regional Security Cooperation in South East Europe in the Aftermath of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession

41st Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Regional Security Cooperation in South East Europe in the Aftermath of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession 73 Seiten / 843 KB PDF ansehen
73 Seiten (843 KB) PDF downloaden
73 Seiten (843 KB)
Keynote Speech  
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Security Orientation, Security Cooperation, and Reforms  
Security Orientation, Security Cooperation and Reforms in the Western Balkans Six: The Case of Kosovo  
Albania’s Internal and External Security Threats  
Socio-Political Processes and the Security Sector: The Role and Situation of Civil-Society in the Western Balkans  
Socio-Political Processes and the Security Sector in Montenegro  


More than twenty years after the end of the violent conflicts in the Western Balkans, regional security perceptions have deteriorated again due to unresolved political conflicts. The security policy orientations of the Western Balkan countries differ. While three of the Western Balkans-6 have now become NATO members – most recently North Macedonia – the other three are outside the North Atlantic Alliance for different reasons.

Against this security policy backdrop, open conflict issues and dynamic geopolitical developments, it is a major challenge for the Western Balkans-6 to advance their own security reforms and strengthen regional security cooperation. Moreover, in the face of undemocratic developments in parts of the Western Balkans, democratic control and participation of civil society organizations in the security sector have deteriorated.

As the contributions to this Study Group Information show, there is therefore still a need for sufficient support from NATO and the EU, in order to achieve a cooperative security environment in the Western Balkans.

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