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From Counterinsurgency to Peace Enforcement: New Names for Old Games?

erschienen in der Publikation "Peace Operations between Peace and War" (ISBN: 0 7146 4989 9) - April 2000

Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  UNO, Friedensbemühungen, Peacekeeping, Peace Enforcement, Beispiel, Somalia, UNITAF, UNOSOM, Kongo, Bosnien Herzegowina, Erfahrungen, UNPROFOR


From Counterinsurgency to Peace Enforcement:
New Names for Old Games?

Whoever undertakes interventions though should remember that peace enforcement like counterinsurgency or conventional war is a military operation. Like all military operations it requires two things to succeed: the resources to accomplish the mission and the political will to see the mission through to a successful conclusion. Somalia demonstrated that no amount of resources will substitute for political will, and Bosnia revealed that determination cannot produce results without resources. Any nation or coalition unwilling to commit both of these ingredients would do well to avoid peace operations entirely.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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