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Learning Lessons the Hard Way: Somalia and Srebrenica Compared

erschienen in der Publikation "Peace Operations between Peace and War" (ISBN: 0 7146 4989 9) - April 2000


Learning Lessons the Hard Way: Somalia and Srebrenica Compared

This contribution examines two complex peacekeeping missions turned sour: the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia (1993) and the Dutch Airmobile Battalion in Srebenica (1995). In stressful and threatening situations deficiencies in preparation (esp. the gap between combat-oriented training, and the actual environment in Somalia and Bosnia), logistics and Rules of Engagement came to the surface. After their return both units and the Canadian and Dutch defense organizations were faced with severe criticism from media, public and politicians and with lengthy investigations. The reaction by the military in both Canadian and the Netherlands was overwhelmingly defensive. Researchers in other countries are invited to compare their findings with those of the authors.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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