Bundesheer Bundesheer Hoheitszeichen

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Drs. Christ (C.M.P.) Klep

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Learning Lessons the Hard Way: Somalia and Srebrenica Compared (aus der Publikation Peace Operations between Peace and War)
  2. Peacekeepers in a Warlike Situation: The Dutch Experience (aus der Publikation Peace Operations between Peace and War (11))


A historian at the Military History Department of the Dutch Army Staff in The Hague, Dr. Klep specializes in the participation of the Dutch Army in peace support operations.

He is currently working on a book on Dutch peace support operations between 1945 and the present (due to be published in 1999).

He is also responsible for the collection of historical data, war diaries and other
documents of Dutch units sent abroad for international operations. His publications include books and articles on this subject as well as on military operations in the Netherlands during the Second World War.
He lectured at the Department of International Relations of the University of Utrecht and at the Royal Military Academy in Breda.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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