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Peace Operations between Peace and War (11)

Four Studies

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Title, Impressum, Contents 5 Seiten / 140 KB PDF ansehen
5 Seiten (140 KB) PDF downloaden
5 Seiten (140 KB)
Political Tasks of Peace Maintenance 17 Seiten / 245 KB PDF ansehen
17 Seiten (245 KB) PDF downloaden
17 Seiten (245 KB)
Between Dream and Reality: the Canadian Mission to Somalia 21 Seiten / 268 KB PDF ansehen
21 Seiten (268 KB) PDF downloaden
21 Seiten (268 KB)
Peacekeepers in a Warlike Situation: The Dutch Experience 10 Seiten / 183 KB PDF ansehen
10 Seiten (183 KB) PDF downloaden
10 Seiten (183 KB)
About the authors 2 Seiten / 531 KB PDF ansehen
2 Seiten (531 KB) PDF downloaden
2 Seiten (531 KB)



The first in a series of seminars on peace operations, the Bureau for Military Scientific Studies organised two seminars in Vienna, in November 1997 and April 1998, respectively, on the history and evolution of these operations, and
on some of the problems encountered. Both brought together a group of respected scholars from Austria and abroad, which led to lively and fruitful discussions. The papers will be published as a special issue of Small Wars and Insurgencies in 1999 and later on as a book.

In order to make some of these contributions accessible immediately, we have decided to publish selected papers in our series of pamphlets brought out jointly with the Austrian Defence Academy. The following four studies are herewith presented: Jarat Chopra, professor at Brown University, presents his concept of "Peace maintenance" as an overall system for the United Nations' activities in
this field. In the second contribution, Thomas R. Mockaitis examines the parallels between recent "enforcement" operations and earlier counterinsurgency campaigns. The last two papers are devoted to the circumstances behind two cases "where things went wrong" (causing quite sensational reactions in the media and among the public) during two of the better known - and most heavily criticised - peace operations of the nineties: the incident involving the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Somalia in 1993, and the
performance of Dutch peacekeepers when Srebrenica was overrun by Bosnian Serbs in 1995.

All four authors are respected authorities in their fields, and combine here the findings of sociology, political science, and military history. Such an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to understand a topic as complex as peace operations.

As the study of peace operations is very much a "work in progress," it goes without saying that we would very much appreciate your comments or critique.

You can reach us at the Ministry of Defence, Stiftgasse 2a, A-1070 Vienna, by
telephone under (+43-1) 5200-27022, by fax at (+43-1) 5200-17112, or by email
[mwb08@bmlv.gv.at]. Please make sure to contact us also if you are interested in our forthcoming seminars on these and related topics.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Dr. Erwin A. Schmidl Senior
Researcher, BMLV/MWB

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