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Cooperation Between Organized Crime Groups Around The World

erschienen in der Publikation "Jahrbuch für internationale Sicherheitspolitik 1999" (ISBN: 3-8132-0599-1) - Dezember 1999

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Schlagworte zu diesem Beitrag:  Welt, Organisierte Kriminalitaet, Entwicklung, Organisation, Kriminalität, Interdependenz, Internationale Organisationen


Summary Organized crime is international by definition. The illicit goods and services in which it trades always cross boundaries, as do the money laundering operations it uses to conceal illicit profits. Traditionally there were three principal types of international collaboration - shared ethnicity networks, ad hoc arrangements and 'contingency factor' deals. However in recent years a new form of collaboration has developed - the strategic partnership - which represents a shift towards an embryonic form of federalisation of organized crime groups around the world. Police and intelligence sources suggest that strategic partnerships now exist between elements of the principal organized groups such as the Italian Mafia groups, the Colombian cartels, the Japanese Yakuza, the Chinese Triads and the Russian maftya. The Mafia groups of the former Soviet Union are swiftly emerging as key players. Examples are given from concluded law enforcement investigations. In conclusion, it is suggested that the only way to defeat organized crime is to reinforce international instruments against it.

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