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Basma Salama  Mail an Basma Salama

Institution: Landesverteidigungsakademie (LVAk) / Institut für Friedenssicherung und Konfliktmanagement (IFK)

Beiträge als Autor:

  1. Die Relevanz des Schutzes von Zivilisten für zukünftige Friedenseinsätze (aus der Publikation Schutz von Zivilisten in bewaffneten Konflikten)
  2. Libya′s Unity Government - A New Hope? (aus der Publikation IFK Monitor International 36)
  3. Libyens Einheitsregierung - eine neue Hoffnung (aus der Publikation IFK Monitor 36/2016)
  4. The Resilience of the Islamic State - Die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Islamischen Staates (aus der Publikation The Resilience of the Islamic State)


Basma Salama is a Junior Researcher at the International Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management (IFK), at the Austrian National Defence Academy. Previously, she has worked at The Hague Institute for Global Justice (HIGJ), and completed a Master’s degree in International Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). During her time at the LSE, she researched the role of peacekeeping operations in International Crisis Management, a research area that she continues to focus on at the IFK. At the HIGJ she participated in two research projects involving: an assessment of the U.S. Atrocity Prevention Board and its impact on the prevention of conflicts, as well as a comparative study on water conflicts in the Middle East. Her current research concentrates on the political turmoil in the MENA region, with emphasis on ISIS and the conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Libya. Furthermore,she is investigating the necessary measures to prevent the growing phenomenon of radicalisation in political Islam.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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