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The Resilience of the Islamic State

Die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Islamischen Staates (ab Seite 95)

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The Resilience of the Islamic State - Die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Islamischen Staates 193 Seiten / 4.65 MB PDF ansehen
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193 Seiten (4.65 MB)


In a matter of two years ISIS has become the world’s richest terror group, taking control over territory the size of Great Britain. Despite all we know, the group remains shrouded in mystery and contradictions. ISIS is savage and brutal, yet meticulous, organised and sophisticated. Are they really just crazy fanatics, or is there something hidden behind the dichotomous image the group has chosen to propagate? How is the so-called ‘caliphate’ run and will it remain? This analysis will attempt to answer these questions through a nuanced and detailed assessment of the Islamic State’s strength, and will accordingly outline essential strategies to weaken and defeat the group.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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