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Montenegro’s Upcoming NATO Membership - Internal, Regional and International Implications

Montenegro’s Upcoming NATO Membership - Internal, Regional and International Implications - 33rd Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

33rd Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations


Policy Recommendations


Dezember 2016

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Montenegro’s Upcoming NATO Membership - Internal, Regional and International Implications 4 Seiten / 1.15 MB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (1.15 MB)


Soon after regaining its independence on 21 May 2006 Montenegro decided to take the Euro-Atlantic integration path. The integration into NATO and the EU became two main foreign policy goals. In November of the same year, relations between Montenegro and NATO became official after Montenegro received the invitation to take part in the accession to the Partnership for Peace Program (PfP) the military-political program of bilateral cooperation between partner countries and NATO. From that point on, Montenegro has achieved a lot. It has implemented numerous Reforms in order to improve democratic standards. During 2007, Montenegro submitted the questionnaire on the Planning and Review Process (PARP). The following year, NATO approved the beginning of the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) process for Montenegro which resulted in the invitation to implement the Membership Action Plan in December 2009.

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