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Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus

Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus - Proceedings of the workshop "Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus" from 22 to 23 October 2018

Proceedings of the workshop "Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus" from 22 to 23 October 2018

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Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus 88 Seiten / 1.43 MB PDF ansehen
88 Seiten (1.43 MB) PDF downloaden
88 Seiten (1.43 MB)


This workshop report provides a closer look at the international crisis and conflict management in the South Caucasus in autumn 2018. The book summarises the results of the workshop "Perspectives on Conflict Management in the South Caucasus" held at the Institute for Peacekeeping and Conflict Management on 27 and 28 October 2018. Experts from the region elaborate on "borderization" along the administrative borderlines between Georgia and the two breakaway territories Abkhazia and South Ossetia or the repercussions of the "velvet revolution" in April/May 2018 for the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations in regards to Nagorno-Karabakh. Furthermore, Russia‘s role as a key external actor in the conflicts is scrutinized.

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