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Regional Security Cooperation in South East Europe in the Aftermath of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession

41st Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

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Regional Security Cooperation in South East Europe in the Aftermath of North Macedonia’s NATO Accession 4 Seiten / 543 KB PDF ansehen
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4 Seiten (543 KB)


With North Macedonia, the third of the six Western Balkan (WB-6) states joined NATO in March 2020. However, three Western Balkan states (Bosnia and Herzegovina/BiH, Kosovo as well as Serbia) remain outside the North Atlantic Alliance for different reasons. Kosovo is the only Western Balkan state not yet included in NATO’s Partnership for Peace. Against the background of this diverse security-policy situation, paralleled by open conflict issues within and between the Western Balkan states, the status and sustainability of the transition of the security sector in the individual states more than twenty years after the end of the war deserves closer examination. Furthermore, the state of security relations within the region and how they can be positively developed with the help of the EU and NATO must be explored.

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