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The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe – From Democratic Consolidation to Security

44th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

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The War in Ukraine and Resilience in South East Europe – From Democratic Consolidation to Security 4 Seiten / 1.12 MB PDF ansehen
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The geopolitical “Zeitenwende” (sea change) brought about by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is creating new political and security parameters in the Western Balkans (WB) which, similar to the Black Sea region, has become a geopolitical front region. Against this backdrop, the only semi-consolidated state of the WB increases the pressure on the Western side to provide much more concrete support to this region on conflict issues previously neglected by Brussels and Washington. This relates primarily to the consolidation of the multiethnic state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. The continuing fragility of this part of South East Europe also provides a good opportunity for Russia to fuel conflicts, especially by diplomatic and security means, and thereby also to harm its Western adversaries in their geopolitical confrontation in the immediate neighbourhood of the EU.

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