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Croatia‘s Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area – Potential Impact on South East Europe

45th Workshop of the Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe" - Policy Recommendations

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Croatia‘s Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area – Potential Impact on South East Europe 4 Seiten / 1.09 MB PDF ansehen
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As of 1 January 2023, Croatia has been a full member of the Eurozone and Schengen Area, thus completing the process of European integration. Slightly more than 20 years ago, Croatia was a country torn by conflict that suddenly found itself on the threshold of post-socialist and post-conflict transformation. Croatia is now a stable democracy and therefore a true example of the European Union’s transformative power. The completion of the process of European integration significantly changed Croatia’s position in the regional and European environment, positioning the country as a role model in the region of the Western Balkans. During the integration process, Croatia gained extensive experience concerning various aspects of democratic transition. Croatian “know-how” could be useful, not only as an asset in the regional context, but in the wider European context as well.

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