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Croatia’s Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area - Potential Impact on South East Europe

45th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group “Regional Stability in South East Europe”

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Croatia’s Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area - Potential Impact on South East Europe 118 Seiten / 1.85 MB PDF ansehen
118 Seiten (1.85 MB) PDF downloaden
118 Seiten (1.85 MB)
Croatia’s Road to Eurozone Membership: Navigating Opportunities and Challenges  
Managing the Obstacles and Maximising the Benefits That Come with Croatia’s Participation in Euro-Atlantic Integrations  
The Schengen Borders and the Western Balkans: An Unclear Future  
Croatia’s EU Integration and Its Effects on the Accession Process of Montenegro  
Between Ethnocracy and Integration: Croatia’s Influence on Bosnia and Herzegovina  
As Croatia Cruises, Can Its Neighbors Speed Up? Some Lessons for Kosovo from Croatia’s Euro-Atlantic Integration Experience  
How is Croatia Assisting the Western Balkans and Albania in Joining the EU?  
Croatia’s Support for Macedonia’s EU Integration: Between Opportunities and Expectations  


EU and NATO member Croatia, which was still affected by war in the early 1990s, finalised its European integration process in January 2023 by joining the Eurozone and the Schengen system. This success story and Croatia’s many years of experience with reforms could also be of great symbolic and practical importance for its neighbours in the Western Balkans.

The interesting contributions in this volume analyse whether and how individual Western Balkan states could benefit from Croatia’s transition experience against the backdrop of difficult geopolitical conditions, ongoing intra-regional conflicts and the latest Croatian integration steps.

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