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Warriors for Peace

A Sociological Study on the Austrian Experience of UN Peacekeeping


Sonstige Bücher


August 1999


28,50 €


Priv-Doz. Univ.-Doz. Mag. Dr. M.A. Franz Kernic

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Warriors for Peace 1 Seiten / 13 KB PDF ansehen
1 Seiten (13 KB) PDF downloaden
1 Seiten (13 KB)


This study deals with sociological and socio−psychological aspects of UN Peacekeeping missions focusing on the Austrian experience. The study is broad and descriptive covering a spectrum that ranges from the soldier's motivation to join UN−troops to the social and psychological problems encountered during service. The main purpose is to give a broad overview of work−related experiences during the tour of duty. The emphasis is on the Austrian soldier's life and his experiences as a peacekeeper. The study focuses primarily on an Austrian battalion (AUSBATT/UNDOF) deployed to the Golan Heights. Their mission can be considered a traditional UN Peacekeeping operation. In addition, some data on the Austrian IFOR contingent to Bosnia is included.

Eigentümer und Herausgeber: Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung | Roßauer Lände 1, 1090 Wien
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