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The Security Strategies of the Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia in the Context of the European Security Strategy

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Cover, Contents and Introduction 5 Seiten / 427 KB PDF ansehen
5 Seiten (427 KB) PDF downloaden
5 Seiten (427 KB)
(The Security Strategy of) Austria 5 Seiten / 103 KB PDF ansehen
5 Seiten (103 KB) PDF downloaden
5 Seiten (103 KB)
The Case of the Schizophrenic Musterknabe: Hungary 13 Seiten / 154 KB PDF ansehen
13 Seiten (154 KB) PDF downloaden
13 Seiten (154 KB)
Security Strategy of the Slovak Republic 2005 18 Seiten / 207 KB PDF ansehen
18 Seiten (207 KB) PDF downloaden
18 Seiten (207 KB)
9 Seiten (121 KB) PDF downloaden
9 Seiten (121 KB)

Weiterführende Information:

  Institute for Security and Defence Studies, Slovakia



The Directorate General for Security Policy of Austrian Ministry of Defence and Institute for Security and Defence Studies of MOD of SR initiated the project on the Regional Cooperation in the security area in November 2004. The Centre for Strategic Studies of Zrínyi Miklós National Defence University in Budapest and the Institue for Strategic Studies of Defence University in Brno showed much interest and have been actively involved in development of this project.

The participants agreed on the preparation of a study which should help to find common views in order to enable closer cooperation among the participating Central-European nations in the field of security policy. As a first step in this project there is a kind of a "narrow” version oriented on the comparison of the national security concepts (or strategies) with the European Security Strategy. The "broader” version of the paper should deal with the aspect of the different security policies.

Parallel with this project, Institute for Security and Defence Studies of MoD, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and CENAA have prepared the conference "Security policy of Central European countries”.

The aim of this conference is very close to the abovementioned project. It concerns with evaluation of approaches and principles of security policies of Central European countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) towards transatlantic relations, security and defence policy of the European Union and the most important regions and states from their point of view (Balkan states, Ukraine, Russia). Another goal of the conference is to provide space to evaluate security policies of Central European countries for participants from other regions.

The collective of authors takes chance to introduce our first result of the effort at this conference. Due to short time and other reasons we have not finished completely the full comparison of strategic documents yet. However, we would welcome your comments and opinions in order to conclude this "narrow” version of the comparison of national security concepts and to start with the "broader” version of the paper that should deal with aspects of different security-policies.

The Authors

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