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Blue Helmet Forum Austria 2010

Stress Management and Peace Soldiering

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Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Stress Management and Peace Soldiering 212 Seiten / 1.29 MB PDF ansehen
212 Seiten (1.29 MB) PDF downloaden
212 Seiten (1.29 MB)


The present publication, an international comparison of stress and stress management of soldiers in international operations, represents an important result of such net-works.

In a mission soldiers are often confronted with ex-tremely stressful situations. As you know from your own experiences or from reports, tasks sometimes have to be fulfilled under enormous pressure, and are often accompa-nied by fear and uncertainties.

In order to reduce such factors as fear and uncertainty it is necessary to receive extensive training and prepara-tion for the scenarios to be expected in a mission. It is therefore a challenge for the commanders to create very realistic scenarios without demanding too much from the soldiers.

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