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Transitional Justice - Experiences from Africa and the Western Balkans

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
Introduction to the Concept of Transtitional Justice 21 Seiten / 109 KB PDF ansehen
21 Seiten (109 KB) PDF downloaden
21 Seiten (109 KB)
Truth, Reconciliation, Compensation Lessons, Wishes and Warnings from the South 21 Seiten / 251 KB PDF ansehen
21 Seiten (251 KB) PDF downloaden
21 Seiten (251 KB)
Transtitional Justice in the Western Balkans 35 Seiten / 189 KB PDF ansehen
35 Seiten (189 KB) PDF downloaden
35 Seiten (189 KB)
References 3 Seiten / 26 KB PDF ansehen
3 Seiten (26 KB) PDF downloaden
3 Seiten (26 KB)


Recent concepts of peace-building emphasize "justice” as a crucial factor in transitional processes from negative to positive peace. According to the International Center for Transitional Justice this term "refers to the set of judicial and non-judicial measures that have been implemented by different countries in order to redress the legacies of massive human rights abuses.” Measures of transitional justice "include criminal prosecutions, truth commissions, reparations programs, and various kinds of institutional reforms." The Institute for Peace Support and Conflict Management gave attention to this important topic during a workshop at the Austrian National Defence Academy, from September 10th to 11th, 2012. Together with Austrian and international experts the following issues were dealt with:

What does transitional justice mean?

What are the general framework and parameters of the concept?

What are the notions of transitional justice in regard to truth, reconciliation and compensation? How is the concept implemented and made to work in specific regions?

What is the significance of transitional justice for institutional reforms for societies in transition (with regard to rule of law and security sector reform)?

This book contains the contributions from the workshop: Christina Binder, Professor of International Law at the University of Vienna, presents an introduction to the general concept of transitional justice. Her contribution is followed by two regional case studies. The Director of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in Cape Town, Fanie Du Toit,analyzes South Africa’s experiences in dealing with the legacies of the Apartheid regime. Izabela Kisiæ from the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia gives a deep insight into the complex processes of transitional justice in the post-war societies of the Western Balkans.

This interesting compilation intends to generate ideas for supporting the challenging processes of peace-building.

The editors

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