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IFK Monitor International 49

IFK Monitor International 49 - Violent Conflicts, protracted Crises and Peace Operations 3.0

Violent Conflicts, protracted Crises and Peace Operations 3.0

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Violent Conflicts, protracted Crises and Peace Operations 3.0 4 Seiten / 277 KB PDF ansehen
4 Seiten (277 KB) PDF downloaden
4 Seiten (277 KB)


A rise of armed conflicts and humanitarian emergencies in Africa and Asia has led to significant security ramifications that have implications for Austria and Europe. The expansion of ungoverned territories is facilitating civil war economies, irregular migration and radical Jihadism. Violent non-state actors such as militias are becoming more dominant. In fact, there is a clear need for more diplomacy, mediation and realistic initiatives to strengthen governmental structures in fragile states. In addition, an increase of military and development assistance as well as more support for UN-peace operations in Africa may add to more stability. In all these sectors, both Austria and the EU have the potential to contribute effectively.

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