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A Region in Limbo: South East Europe in the Light of Strained Western-Russian Relations

A Region in Limbo: South East Europe in the Light of Strained Western-Russian Relations - 30th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe"

30th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group "Regional Stability in South East Europe"

Beiträge in dieser Publikation:

Name Seiten/Dateigröße
A Region in Limbo: South East Europe in the Light of Strained Western-Russian Relations 183 Seiten / 1.27 MB PDF ansehen
183 Seiten (1.27 MB) PDF downloaden
183 Seiten (1.27 MB)
The Return of Geopolitics to Europe: A Serious Threat to Peace Consolidation?  
Western and Russian Influences in South East Europe from a Historical View  
Current Geopolitical Ambitions of Western Actors and Russia Directed towards South East Europe  
Russian Perspectives on the South East Europe: History and Current Affairs  
Foreign Trade Relations of the South East European Countries with a Focus on the Trade Relations with Russia  
Along the Energy Streams: Geostrategic Competition in South East Europe  
Along the Energy Streams: Geostrategic Competition in South East Europe  
The Ukraine Crisis and Small Western Balkan States: Croatia’s Perspective on Russia’s Role in the Region  
Russia’s Influence in Albania and Regional Stability of the Western Balkans  
Political and Security Implications for Regional Consolidation and Relevant Aspects which Affect Montenegro  
Russia’s Influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina: from a Constructive Partner to a Factor of Instability  
Political and Security Implications for Regional Consolidation: the Case of Kosovo  
Macedonia between the "West” and Russia: Aspiring to the "West” and Flirting with the "East”  


Today, South East Europe is confronted with opposing political models and geopolitical interests. The strategic relevance of the region is evident: over the past years, the complex situation between the European Union, Russia and the United States has gradually increased and has a considerable impact on the Western Balkans’ stability. In the meantime, political parties in the region are torn between individual interests, traditional alliances and international politics. The region is under high political and economic pressure as well as internal tensions and has become a playing field for international stakeholders. This publication aims at formulating an adequate strategy regarding the international and regional development in order to counter the successively growing power vacuum and to accelerate the stabilisation of the region.

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